Monday, January 24, 2011

My latest Adventure in Candyland

Well, I have decided to share my latest Adventure (in Candyland= me) with my readers here!!  You are the first to know!! YEAH!!
One week ago today I started a new adventure, a lifestyle change!  I decided last Monday I had just had enough!  I was tired of being tired!  I was sick of not being able to tie my shoes without breathing heavy.. Tired of not being able to play with my daughter..  Just sick of it.. I mean literally gut sick of it!  I have been here before, a very long time ago... I won then and I will win again!  I dislike the word "diet" and we don't say "diet" in my home.. We don't say "fat" or "skinny"... That is why my blog says "PHAT"  My daughter doesn't have any idea what a PHAT or FAT southern cook is because I have never talked about "FAT" with her.  She know what the difference is between large and small & that is all she needs to understand.. I wish more people could hold their tongue in front of their children (especially their DAUGHTERS) regarding weight issues.  I can't stand it when my daughter is around someone that starts talking about weight in a negative way. For instance people that look at their pictures and say "I look so FAT".  Please don't say this in front of a 4 year old girl!!   I literally will remove her or change the subject.  Well that is another rant in itself... LOL
So, I started last Monday.  I have a food journal to keep up with everything I eat, calories and fat grams.  I will total it every night to make sure I am staying where I need to.  
I know... I am crazy.... I am a cook, love to eat, love to cook... love love love food.....  live to cook, live to eat, eat to live..
The sad part is......  You can't quit cold turkey on food like you can on cigarettes or alcohol.  Wow, wouldn't that be easy??  I am giving up food!  That is it, I am done with you!  No, it doesn't work that way!  You have to eat to live!  DUH!  :)
So, I have been SO cranky, frustrated, cranky, irritated, cranky, frustrated since last Monday.  I was drinking about 3- 4 real red Cokes a day..  I just started that habit back in September when I stopped drinking wine.  I use to love wine, but I had a bad reaction to wine... Kinda like when you eat something and you get sick, you just can't eat it again.....  So the Cokes started tasting great!  I realized I could eat 16 snack size sugar free Jello cups instead of drinking one Coke!  That is just nuts!!
  My body must be going into shock without all the sugar & fat that once flowed thru my poor arteries!
So after one week of healthy living I am proud to say.........
I weighed in this morning........................................................................................
I lost 5 lbs....................................................................................................................................
Last Monday weight 209  Today's weight 204
Now, this Adventure continues!  I will keep you all posted!  Hugs!!  I appreciate you all!

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